Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Detox Challenge 2011: Day 2

Day 2 in my opinion is the toughest day to get through. You may start feeling a little weak, light headache, tired, aches and pains, but trust me all this will go away. Soon you will be feeling much better. Some of us are even having withdraw symptoms to sugar, coffee, caffiene, carbs etc.

Its amazing how you may still even feel hungry, even though you are eating plenty of food. This isn't a starvation diet and you shouldn't really feel hungry. Those are more emotional hunger pains than physical. Its the carby, processed foods that make us feel so full after our meal. So if we don't have that full feeling, we feel hungry. Eating veggies and meat won't give you that full feeling. You shouldn't have any digestive issues on this detox diet.

Day 2 will be your toughest day. Listen to your body and if you have to rest, than rest. If you need to go to sleep earlier than do that. Don't fight this. Hey I am getting ready to go to the gym and workout this morning. I can't wait. Post your thoughts

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